Monday, April 18, 2005
چند فرضيه
فرضيه اول- دلت میخواد بنويسي ولي نوشتنت نمياد
فرضيه دوم- مي خواي بنويسي ولی چيز بدرد بخوری برا نوشتن پيدا نمي کني
فرضيه سوم- مي نويسی بد مي بيني اونجوري که مي خواستي نشده. برا همين پاکش مي کنی
فرضيه چهارم- يه مطلب خوب هم که پيدا مي کني چون زیاده و حوصله تايپ این همه رو به فارسي نداري از خيرش مي گذري(از اين ببعد بعضي مطالبو به انگلیسی می نویسم)ا
فرضيه پنجم- پدر بزرگم هميشه بهم مي گفت قبل از اين که کاري رو شروع کني اول ببين اون کار برات سود مادي داره یا معنوی. اگه ديدي هيچ کدومو نداره بهتره اونکارو انجام ندي. منم چون مي بينم بعضي نوشته هام نه به درد خواننده مي خوره نه نويسنده بي خيالشون مي شم.ا

8:53 AM ساعت

لینک ثابت <

Anonymous Anonymous

to benevis be matalebesh chikar dari, mage hame ina ke weblog minevisan harfe mofid mizanan? dar zemn ba leila movafegham range jadid kheili behtareh,
Anonymous Anonymous

I think so far your articles are well done and you should keep up with your nice work...
I don't know how other people judge and criticize your articles, but to me they are interesting...not only because of its subject and concept, but also because I get to learn how other people think about things that may seem trivial to me. For instance, it's interesting how you pay a close attention to every detail on news (on media in general). However, I have never seen that you got biased by their points of view....
Or it's interesting to me that you have a special interest in blue, green, blue-green color, and black! Well, I know that you unconsciously choose the colors for the fonts... or you may choose them to make it blend or match with the background, but still it echoes something about your personality and your character.
And as I read other people comments, I see what type of people you associate with. Or as your friends, do they have the same opinion as you do?!
Anyways, I think your writing skills have improved since when you started blogging, and I've noticed that your write longer articles now!
Best Regards,
Anonymous Anonymous

Ye chizaiee benevis ke naneveshteha tosh basheh.
Chiz haiee ke besheh no az la be layeh khotot balkeh beyn khotot khondeshon.
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